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Melilla Colloquium

Leonardo is pleased to announce a collaboration with the City of Melilla (Spain), Al Andalus Foundation (Spain and Marocco) and the UNESCO DigiArts program for an important event in the art-science-technology (AST) field which will take place in Melilla this summer 2004 :

  • the Melilla Colloquium on art-science-spirituality (18-20 July 2004)
  • The Colloquium is intended to be a global event gathering scientists, artists and philosophers from the whole world. Il will raise theoretical questions about the different approaches cultures may have to art, science, and spirituality in their relationship. Many participants of the Colloquium will also expose integrated practices (art works) revealing how these interactions take place. One of the outcomes of the Colloquium will be that these approaches vary from one culture to another and that we will need to further this dialogue in the future.

    Partial support for the Leonardo collaboration on the Melilla Colloqium are provided by the Ford Foundation, The Rockefeller Foundation and the UNESCO DIGIARTS program

    © Leonardo/Olats, mai 2004

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