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Le projet StudioLab et les partenaires
The StudioLab Project and its partners

Studiolab is a 3-year Europe-wide initiative that merges the artist's studio with the research lab. Funded by the EC Seventh Framework Programme in 2011, Studiolab is a European network that provides a platform for creative projects that bridge divides between science, art and design.

Through this synergistic network, the project is inspiring new approaches to environmental, technological and social challenges and providing a template for innovative art science collaborations. Led by Science Gallery, Trinity College Dublin, Studiolab involves interaction between 13 leading centres of scientific research, artistic excellence and experimental design from 12 different European countries. This network includes Le Laboratoire, Paris; the Royal College of Art, London; Ars Electronica, Linz; MediaLab Prado, Madrid; Synergetica, Amsterdam; ISI Foundation, Turin; ERG, Brussels; Leonardo/Olats, Paris; CIANT, Prague; RIX-C, Riga; Medical Museion, Copenhagen; Bloomfield, Jerusalem.

Studiolab partners are collaborating and working with world leading scientists, artists, and designers to pilot projects using integrated processes of incubation, education and public engagement. Incubation actions develop and strengthen ideas, bringing them from concepts to outcomes, while educational modules tackle the lack of opportunities for interdisciplinary learning and an art-science approach within second and third level formal education systems. Public engagement activities catalyse open collaboration and insight into the scientific process, drawing the public into dialogue with scientists, artists and designers through exhibitions, events and workshops.

Studiolab's hybrid projects focus on three main themes at the frontiers of science, the Future of Water, Synthetic Biology, and the Future of Social Interaction. Complex Networks, their topology and dynamics, permeates these themes, in particular the Future of Social Interaction. This theme provides rich elements for exploration including, Small-world networks, Scale-free networks, network mathematical models, neural nets, and networks affect on knowledge creation.

Across these three themes and three strands, Studiolab partners will develop products and activities with educational, social, cultural, or commercial value and provide a template of innovative art science collaborations, as well as a unique programme of activities which promote 21st century learning, skills and creativity among Europe's citizens.


Science Gallery, Trinity College, Dublin
Le Laboratoire, Paris
The Royal College of Art, London
Ars Electronica, Linz
MediaLab Prado, Madrid
ISI Foundation, Turin
Synergetica, Amsterdam
Ecole de Recherche Graphique, Brussels
Association Leonardo/Olats, Paris
CIANT, Prague
RIX-C - The Center for New Media Culture, Riga
Medical Museion, Copenhagen
Bloomfield Science Museum, Jerusalem

For further information please contact
T: +353 1 896 4091
E: info'@'sciencegallery.com

This project has received support from Studiolab. Studiolab is funded by the European Commission 7th Framework Program.

the European Commission 7th Framework Program          European Commission

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Leonardo/Olats a reçu le soutien de la Fondation Daniel & Nina Carasso pour la période 2019-2021
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