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Trust Me, I'm An Artist, Final Symposium

Amsterdam, 17 novembre 2017

Can the arts play a role in understanding the ethical issues arrising from new (bio)technologies? Can ethics be an artform or should art making require ethical approval? "Trust me, I'm an Artist" investigates the new ethical issues arising from art and science collaboration and considers the roles and responsibilities of the artists, scientists and institutions involved.

The final symposium of the Trust me, I'm an artist project will take place in Amterdam on 17th November 2017, building on previous events in Amsterdam, Brighton, Copenhagen, London, Berlin, Dublin, Ljubljana, Paris, Prague and Riga. Artworks that explored issues such as gene editing and antibiotic resistance, humanity's radioactive heritage, self-experimentation, human tissue culture and sculpture, interspecies communication, biocontainment and responsibility, the microbiome, and synthetic biology were presented and debated in public ethics panels in a series of performative events (before a live audiences). Specially selected artists proposed ethically complex artworks to specially formed ethics committee (following the rules and procedures typical for the host country), the ethics committee then debated the proposals and came to a decision, the artist was then be informed of the ethics committee's decision and, alongside the audience, they entered into a discussion about the result.

This final symposium will address key questions arising from the project such as: "What can science and ethics learn from the Trust me, I'm an artist project?" "Can ethics become an artistic practice?" Can Trust me, I'm an artist lead to the reframing of research questions?" Should art and culture organisations require ethical approval; do we need ethical institutions?"

Artists, ethicists, scientists and representatives of the institutions involved in the "Trust Me, I'm an Artist" series will present their reflections and visions.

To prepare us for the final symposium, on the evening of 16th November we will host a new"Trust me, I'm an artist" ethics panel event reflecting on the art work K9 Topology of the award winning Slovenian artist Maja Smrekar. Smrekar researched the co-evolution of humans and dogs, taking the measure to place their cell materials in an equal cohabitating relationship.

The "Trust me, I'm an artist" a is project supported by the Creative Europe programme of the Europen Commission coordinated by Waag Society with partners Art Catalyst, Kapelica Gallery, Medical Museion and communication partner Leonardo-Olats. Lead artist is Anna Dumitriu and lead ethicist is Prof. Bobbie Farsides.

When: Thursday, 2017, November 16 - 7:00pm to Friday, 2017, November 17 - 5:00pm
Where: Waag Society, Nieuwmarkt 4, 1012 CR Amsterdam

Detailed programme and information:


Creative Europe   Le projet Trust Me, I'm an Artist est soutenu financièrement par le programme Creative Europe de l'Union Européenne.

The Trust Me, I'm an Artist project is supported by funding from the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.

Le ArtSciLab du département ATEC de l'Université du Texas à Dallas soutient et participe à Trust Me, I'm an Artist par le biais des projets de publication expérimentale des Leonardo Initiatives qui incluent la chaîne Meta-Life sur la plateforme Creative Disturbance associée à Audiolats ainsi que le site web du projet Meta-Life.

The UT Dallas ATEC ArtSciLab supports and participates in the Trust Me, I'm an Artist project through the Leonardo Initiatives projects in Experimental Publishing including the Creative Disturbance platform channel on art and biology associated to Audiolats and the Meta-Life project website.

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